
< Noticias

07.07.2020 / Noticias /

BBC report featuring UVW members shines a light on unscrupulous companies [English only]

UVW members were recently featured in a BBC report shining a light on unscrupulous employers who have either failed or refused to furlough their employees in the middle of the pandemic.

In that report, which you can read here, you will be able to hear from UVW members Amber and Claudia.

Amber is a student who was working two part-time jobs but who has been left without months of pay by one of her employers, Troxy, a popular music venue. As a result, Amber is now in rent arrears and will most likely be evicted from her home in a few months time.

Claudia is a cleaner who before the pandemic was working six part time jobs, but who was let go by one of her employers, Cleanology, who refused to furlough her along with 100 other workers once lockdown was announced on the 23rd of March.

Read their stories here.


03.02.2025 /

Trabajadorxs de la ONG Solace Women’s Aid convocan huelga indefinida para frenar devastadores recortes de empleo


UVW se solidariza con los valientes recolectores de fruta que luchan por la justicia

28.01.2025 /

Vigilantes de seguridad de los Museos de Historia Natural, de la Ciencia y el V&A instan al público a no visitarlos durante el histórico mes de huelga de febrero

22.01.2025 /

Trabajadorxs de la ONG Solace Women’s Aid dispuestxs a ir a la huelga para salvar los servicios de ayuda contra el maltrato doméstico en Tower Hamlets

22.01.2025 /

Guardias de seguridad en huelga visitan a Amanda Levete, administradora del V&A, para exigir un salario justo y bajas pagadas por enfermedad

14.01.2025 /

Guardias de seguridad de los museos de Ciencias, Historia Natural y el V&A continúan su huelga en enero y llevan a su empleador a tribunales


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