
Get in touch

Do you need advice, have a question about a campaign or union membership, or want to support us? Feel free to message us below.

We aim to respond to all queries within 72 working hours. New members must have at least 2 months membership before receiving advice or support from a UVW staff member.

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New members must have at least 2 months membership before receiving advice or support from a UVW staff member. However, if you and your colleagues are already committed to fighting for a better deal, then we may be able to support you sooner!


Please note: if you wish UVW to represent you on this case, we do not allow ‘dual representation’ – that means you must not take advice or seek other support from a third party, whether that is another trade union, another solicitor or legal advisor, or even family/friends. If you are unhappy with the way we are dealing with your case, you are of course free to seek other representation, but in that event we will withdraw support. Please also note: it is a condition of this service that should you win an award at Tribunal or a sum of money through an ‘out of court settlement’ you agree to pay 15% of that sum to UVW. This does not apply to claims that are restricted to unpaid wages. If we agree to provide you with legal support at a later point, we will need you to sign an ‘agreement’.

We can only help UVW members with their problems at work. If you would like to become a member, click here to join.


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