

While founded in London’s ubiquitous outsourced industries, which are primarily cleaning, catering, portering and security, we also represent members across dozens of other professions. These sectors include sex workers, artists, architects, social workers, charity workers and the legal sector (which includes trainees, pupil barristers, assistants, administrative staff, paralegals, solicitors, and barristers).


Service and mostly migrant workers in London have been invisibly exploited for decades. Today, they lead the fight to push up wages for all workers in Britain.


UVW’s Section of Architectural Workers (SAW) is the first ever trade union to organise everyone in the architectural sector, including assistants, cleaners, students, admin staff, technicians, sole traders, and architects.

Legal Sector Workers United

Not just barristers and solicitors, LSWU is also comprised of cleaners, secretaries, paralegals, caseworkers, intermediaries, clerks, support staff and legal executives. Join us to fight for justice in the justice system.

charity SECTOR

We represent frontline charity workers and grassroots campaigning organisations working in services and campaigning related to gender-based violence, mental health, homelessness, housing, environmental justice, refugees, child services, women’s rights, torture and gender.


Cultural work *is* work! Workers across the creative industries are organising. The cultural sector is rife with individualism and competitiveness to the detriment of its workforce. DCW wants to see all cultural workers respected for the work they do.


We are a new trade union group growing out of a community of childcare professionals who have each other’s backs. We are building resilience and workers’ power in an underfunded and underappreciated industry and are determined to push back against employers who make nursery workers bear the brunt of this.


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