Meet the candidates for General Secretary
Languages: | English and Spanish |
Sector: | Other workers |
Workplace: | The Counselling Space |
Occupation: | Community therapist |
Length of UVW Membership: | 4 years and 1 month – Treasurer |
Candidate statement:
Hello UVW comrade!
This is my manifesto as UVW’s next General Secretary.
Like you, I feel tremendous pride for the historic victories our migrant-led, grassroots, multi-sector, independent union has achieved for thousands of underrepresented workers across the country.
But, we do have serious challenges ahead as the pandemic exposed historic and emerging issues we need to tackle to secure long-term sustainability of our workers movement.
This is how I plan to lead UVW into becoming a fully functioning union that promptly supports all its members and sectors, works towards financial independence, and continues to win BIG for workers.
I will lead on operational and organising strategies to expand our workers power and meet growing demand. To do this I will:
Lastly, as a Mental Health professional, I will lead a national campaign to expose the direct relationship between labour exploitation and mental health illness in workers. We will demand workers’ mental health as a top priority in the workplace.
Making use of our new spacious headquarters, we will launch an all-year UVW Community Learning hub that offers not only continued training on what we excel, organising and campaigns, but also extends to topics affecting our socio-economic independence i.e. pension, taxes, housing
Solidarity and internationalism will be a key asset for the growth and respect in our workers’ movement, joining and exchanging organising power with trade unions around the world, we will defend workers’ rights at national and international levels. ¡Si nos tocan a uno, nos tocan a todos!