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31.05.2015 / News /

Report from UVW’s Meeting

What a fantastic, inspiring and extremely well attended union meeting yesterday, despite being a sunny, Saturday afternoon. Big thank you to Sandy Nicholl, SOAS Unison Branch Secretary, who came to our meeting to co-ordinate our campaigns and fight together with other workers and unions, including those organising in the the fast-food sector. We planned, among other things, to launch and continue our campaigns for dignity, respect, Living Wages and Sick Pay at: Debenhams, St George’s University, Prudential, Sotheby’s, Barbican Centre, Wither’s law firm, M&S, and Topshop. Stay tuned for more info and get in touch if you would like to get involved with these campaigns.



Pay, precarity and power in a union!

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Private School Cleaners Fight Cuts in Hours and Pay

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UVW is back on Facebook!

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DfE strike postponed: Facility staff secure backdated pay


The digital class struggle in peril: Facebook and X/Twitter shut down UVW accounts


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