
< News

07.05.2018 / News /



UVW needs a new home by 23rd June 2018. Does anyone know a place and/or want to share theirs or a new space with us?

Global real estate giant Savills is kicking UVW out of its amazing home in Elephant & Castle along with many other community organisations currently living on the 8th Floor of Hannibal House.

We know there are plans to knock down the whole building (and the whole shopping centre) but there is no date and no demolition plans have yet been authorised by the council, so tragically it is very likely that our offices will just sit empty for years. In fact, other tenants of Hannibal House have not been given notice at all and it is not clear why we have been given notice at this time. Anyway, that’s what we’ve been told and so we’re looking for a home.

Hannibal House has been essential to UVWs successes over the last couple of years enabling us to provide a permanent and accessible community space for thousands of some of the most underrepresented and marginalised people in London, most of whom are migrants, to come and get organised, and get support for problems they are facing at work, for holding community meetings with members and invited speakers from different campaigns, for hosting workers’ rights and organising workshops, and regular English classes!

Before Hannibal House we were homeless, with London’s pubs and cafes providing us with the space in which we used to meet in, do casework, and organise workers. Obviously, we’re too big to go back to that.

So, please do get in touch it you know anywhere we could relocate to so we can continue to provide some of the most oppressed and unrepresented workers in London with the resources and representation they need to continue to fight for the respect and dignity they deserve.



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