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09.04.2020 / News /

UPDATE: Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme further clarification

Some further clarification on the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme as it pertains to members.

  1. Payment dates

    The Furlough portal will be open and working on 20th April and the first payments will be made to employers on 30th April. The aim is that payments will be made to employers within 4 to 6 working days of the submission of data. There is no reason for any delay on passing this money onto workers immediately, or at their next pay period at the latest, but workers should be demanding an emergency payment if their next pay period is weeks or a month away.

    An employer can submit a claim 14 days ahead of the pay date of the employee.

  2. Working while furloughed

    An important reminder that your boss cannot make you undertake work for them while you are furloughed. If an employer makes you work during furlough, you can report them to HMRC and criminal proceedings can be started against them.

  3. TUPE and furlough

    Even though it’s not currently in the guidance it has been suggested by HMRC that workers who TUPE transfer to a new employer after 28th February will be eligible for furlough. However, official guidance is still awaited.

  4. Annual Leave and furlough

    Workers are likely to be able to take annual leave whilst on furlough. If they do, they will be entitled to their full salary for 4 weeks, and their salary at the 80% rate for the remaining 1.6 weeks available for full time workers. Again, official guidance is still awaited.


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