
< News

16.11.2023 / News /

Organise your UVW workplace or sector!

This month a diverse group of UVW members who work across different workplaces got together.  They discussed community building and strategies on how to tackle our workplace problems together!

We want to see as many workplaces and sectors in UVW as organised as possible. So if you and your colleague or other members from your sector (e.g legal, charity, hospitality, design and culture, care, security etc.) want to get together and talk union power, fill out this form 👇🏽 so we can support you with all the knowledge and experience we’ve accumulated over the past 10 years of fighting and winning!

Get a sense of what the last meeting of the Spanish-speaking members, which took place on 11 November 2023, was about in the below video.



Pay, precarity and power in a union!

15.07.2024 / /

Private School Cleaners Fight Cuts in Hours and Pay

11.07.2024 / / /

Round 2: GOSH cleaners vs racist outsourcing


UVW is back on Facebook!

09.07.2024 / /

DfE strike postponed: Facility staff secure backdated pay


The digital class struggle in peril: Facebook and X/Twitter shut down UVW accounts


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