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06.11.2023 / News / /

Victory on appeal: LSE forced to back down and reinstate sacked UVW strike leader

“We must not remain silent, nor accept any kind of abuse or injustice, but take the route of action because together – with the support of UVW – we can win, and indeed, we won!” 

UVW strike leader and LSE cleaner Geovanny Moreno Buitrago

United Voices of the World union (UVW) has forced the ‘prestigious’ London School of Economics (LSE) to back down and reinstate a UVW strike leader and migrant cleaner from Colombia who was sacked after being on long term sick leave with a herniated disc, as he tried to return to work. UVW suspected foul play and fought against his dismissal and won!! Geovanny was reinstated in his final appeal.

“I am very happy that LSE has backed down and decided to reinstate me in my job” says Geovanny Mreno Buitrago “It is a victory for me and for our union, UVW, because it shows that if we join we can fight injustice to the end,” Geovanny says.

Listen to Geovanny talking about his case before the appeal hearing

LSE has finally yielded and agreed to make the adjustments recommended by both Geovany’s  GP and the school’s own Occupational Health doctor, which for long it refused to implement.  In the eyes of UVW this was union busting of the worst kind and both Geovanny and the union were prepared to sue LSE for unfair dismissal on grounds of disability discrimination and trade union victimisation.  

Geovanny had played a pivotal role in organising the LSE’s cleaners strike in June 2023, demanding that the university pay them their deserved holiday pay.  In August, the UVW striking cleaners launched a legal claim to demand the thousands of pounds owed to them over several years following the underpayment of their holiday pay. 

LSE cleaners on strike for their owed holiday pay, summer 2023

“We must not remain silent, nor accept any kind of abuse or injustice, but take the route of action because together – with the support of UVW – we can win, and indeed, we won!””, says Geovanny, who is a convinced trade unionist and active member of our community. 

The LSE cleaners are united in their efforts to gain the respect they deserve at work and won’t give up their rights no matter how big or influential the opposition is.

Support them with a donation here >>

Or become a solidarity member here to support their fight, here >>

Watch this space for updates. 

Learn more about your rights to Holiday Pay in this short video



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