Aoua was summarily sacked after over 18 months on the job by her bosses at Cleanology for "cleaning standards" and bogus claims of unauthorised absences, without any notice, process, hearing or right of appeal. We think she was discriminated against because of her race.
“They just said ‘today is your last day… just go.’ I did not have a right to talk. They didn’t give me a letter or anything. They treated me like I was rubbish.”
Aoua Coulibaly, sacked cleaner and UVW member
Aoua Coulibaly, a migrant cleaner from Burkina Faso, was sacked for being sick and using “the wrong” vaccum cleaner!
When UVW member, Aoua, returned from annual leave in April she was stopped at the door to her workplace and was told she had already been sacked. She was later sent a letter stating she was fired for alleged “poor cleaning standards and failure to follow the company’s absence procedure.”
The truth is the “failure to the follow company absence procedures” relates to a single day of absence when she was rushed to hospital for life-saving care. The alleged “poor cleaning standards” relates to Aoua using the “wrong hoover”!
Aoua’s boss did not follow any procedure before sacking her – no allegations, no hearings, no right of appeal.
The union discovered Cleonology’s lies after talking to the client at etc.venues who confirmed that there had been no complaints about her work and wanted her back.
Aoua believes she was discriminated against because of her race and has begun legal proceedings against Cleanology for racial discrimination.
She wants her job back!
If you want to help Aoua you can do 3 things:
1. Write to Cleanology demanding her reinstatement.
2. Donate to the Aoua Support Fund
3. Join UVW’s DIRECT ACTION SQUAD, call or text +44 7546 938111,