
01.03.2022 / UVW TV /

Join the rally, let’s make our voices heard!

GOSH strikers call on unionists to fight attempts to suppress their right to picket outside hospital

14.02.2022 / UVW TV

GOSH security guards react to the attack on their picket by three strangers


07.02.2022 / UVW TV

The GOSH strike is a global fight against privatisation of public health services,.

20.01.2022 / UVW TV /

20.12.2021 / UVW TV /

Support Great Ormond Street security guards in the strike for equality and an end to outsourcing

08.12.2021 / UVW TV /

Security guards demand equality at Great Ormond Street Hospital

08.12.2021 / UVW TV /

It’s the rich and powerful that have the means…

17.11.2021 / UVW TV

This is what solidarity looks like

17.11.2021 / UVW TV /

GOSH UVW TV: Cleaners fight for their rights at Great Ormond Street Hospital

14.11.2021 / UVW TV

UVW march for climate justice at COP26

09.11.2021 / UVW TV /

GOSH Security Guards striking for equality!

17.12.2020 / UVW TV /

Community action for workers at Sage nursing home


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