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21.02.2019 / News /

Demo/Strike: #CleanUpOutsourcing on the 26th

Join the UVW, IWGB, PCS and RMT unions on a day of coordinated protest and strike action

Another historic day of united resistance against outsourcing is planned for next Tuesday 26th February:

  • A protest march passing by the Royal Courts of Justice and Parliament Sq.

  • A day of strike for workers of 3 unions at the MoJ, BEIS, and UoL

  • On the same day of a landmark legal action to extend rights for 3m workers

The campaign organisers said:

Outsourcing is one of the underhanded methods used by bosses for decades to drive down our employment conditions. By using middlemen in the form of outsourcing companies, employers are able to offer some workers far worse pay, holiday entitlements, sick pay and pension contributions. But the abuse doesn’t stop there, as the unaccountable nature of outsourcing companies means workers that are employed by them are much more likely to suffer from bullying and discrimination. But now we are fighting back.

The workers involved are:

  1. UVW cleaners and security officers will be on strike at the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) demanding the living wage, and equal rights to sick pay and annual leave

  2. PCS cleaners, security, catering staff and others will be on strike at the Department for Business Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) demanding the living wage, equal terms and conditions and an end to outsourcing

  3. IWGB cleaners will be on strike at the University of London (UoL) demanding equal terms and conditions with directly employed staff. The union will also face the UoL and the government BEIS department at the High Court in a landmark legal challenge that could extend the rights of the UK’s 3.3 million outsourced workers

A range of speakers will include Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell MP, Rebecca Long-Bailey MP, and other Parliamentarians.

Keep updated by following #CleanUpOutsourcing

Schedule for the morning of Tuesday 26th:

8am – Assemble at University of London Senate House, Russell Square

9:30am – Royal Courts of Justice, WC2A 2LL

11am – Rally at Parliament Square with speeches from MPs

12pm – BEIS, 1 Victoria St, SW1H 0ET

12:30pm – MOJ, 102 Petty France, SW1H 9AJ



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