
< News

16.01.2021 / News / Worker's Story /

Global love and solidarity for striking care workers

The outpouring of love and support for our striking care workers is truly a feat of global solidarity, connecting workers from Doha to Manchester and Washington to London.

Emotive messages and stories of struggle have come flooding in from architectural workers, care workers, academics, professors, film makers, Members of Parliament, Unison, NEU & UNITE members, Labour party and Green Party activists, members of Jewish Solidarity Action, journalists, lecturers, doctors, cleaners and freedom fighters…and they are still coming in.

The overwhelming message is this: Because of Covid-19 we cannot be there, but know that your fight is our fight, that you deserve the world, not poverty wages. We are standing shoulder to shoulder with you and when you win, you win for all care workers all over the world.

Listen to their messages of love and solidarity, in English, Spanish, French. It’s not too late to send a message to the workers, you can do so by sending an audio or video message to



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