
Worker’s Story

08.10.2024 / Worker's Story / /

“Covid-19 was catastrophic for care workers” – Migrant Health Workers To Speak At Covid-19 Inquiry  

18.09.2024 / Worker's Story

Knowledge makes you free: Maria Angeles’ journey with UVW

30.11.2023 / Worker's Story /

Let’s live in a better world by Maria Tito, UVW member

29.11.2023 / Worker's Story

No English, no union, no fear: Julia’s story

02.03.2023 / Worker's Story /

Veteran cleaner and strike leader fights trade union victimisation at London School of Economics

24.01.2023 / Worker's Story

UVW member wins four years of unpaid holiday pay

09.12.2022 / Worker's Story

Going home for Christmas: Don’t let them stop you!

26.10.2022 / Worker's Story /

UVW wants to make bosses pay for union busting

08.07.2022 / Worker's Story

Together we can learn and fight to get what we need and deserve

01.06.2022 / Worker's Story

Employer forced to pay back nearly two years in unpaid wages to cleaner after it cut her hours without her consent. 

01.06.2022 / Worker's Story

No worker left behind: a lone worker and her union fight back!

11.03.2022 / Worker's Story

Women security guards at Great Ormond Street Hospital, on their strike for equality


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