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17.05.2022 / News /

Union demands sexual harassment claim is properly investigated at luxury flats

United Voices of the World (UVW) demands that property management company FirstPort properly investigates the alleged sexual harassment and assault of one of its migrant woman members and the accused manager is suspended from work until this investigation has taken place.

The incident has left the member feeling stressed and not sleeping properly. They have felt uncomfortable at work, sometimes panicking and do not feel safe on-site. They have been accompanied at work by colleagues wherever possible and felt stressed whenever they have seen the accused manager at the workplace.

FirstPort claims to have conducted an investigation into the alleged sexual harassment and sexual assault, yet has not even taken a statement from the UVW member who has been treated appallingly. The accused manager is due to return to work tomorrow (18 May).

The UVW member works as a cleaner at the luxury flats and alleges she was assaulted by her manager on 16 February this year. The member believes that FirstPort bosses have refused to look into the matter because it was reported by the member’s UVW representative.

FirstPort has been refusing to engage with UVW and has refused to allow UVW representatives to accompany the member to relevant meetings. The company has not even interviewed her to hear her side of the story.

The member’s MP has written to FirstPort on her behalf. Yet the firm claims to have conducted an investigation which vindicates the accused manager. UVW is demanding the manager remain suspended until a proper investigation has been completed.

Tell FirstPort bosses they need to conduct a proper investigation!



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