20.12.2023 / News /
“The reason I decided to do the rep training is because I lost my job and UVW represented me very well and now I want to support other people in that sort of vulnerable position…. one takeaway from this course is understanding that you do have rights.”
Hebba, UVW charity sector member and newly certified rep
Over 20 UVW members became certified United Voices of the World union (UVW) reps after completing UVW’s three-part rep training in December 2023.
Our new amazing reps are now certified to go on and support their colleagues and UVW’s wider membership to stand up to their bosses and fight back with all the tricks and tools they need.
The group who attended the course included a beautiful diversity of members which make UVW the amazing community union we are and included: carers, teachers, charity workers, architects, dancers, security guards, concierge, DJs, barristers, students, solicitors, porters, tourism workers, therapists and retirees.
One of the participants, charity sector member Hebba, said after finalising the course: “What an amazing opportunity to have been given. So grateful for the chance to be a part of such an important community of beautifully like-minded people from all walks of life.”
Hebba decided to do the rep training because she lost her job and “UVW represented me very well. Mow I want to support other people in that sort of vulnerable position, make sure that they now they are supported and come through difficult times.”
Reflecting on what she had learned, Hebba explained that for her “one takeaway from this course is understanding that you do have rights… and knowing how to twist things to your favour to get a good outcome for the person you are representing.”
UVW will be running rep courses for members every three months next year in 2024 so stay tuned for dates and don’t miss out!