
Latchmere cleaners win 16% pay rise

08.09.2022 / Press releases /

Unionised leisure centre cleaners win inflation-busting 16% pay rise

  • Latin American cleaners, members of United Voices of the World (UVW), at Latchmere Leisure Centre in Battersea have won a 16% pay rise.

  • This win follows a ballot for industrial action which saw a 100% turnout and 100% yes vote.

  • Latchmere Leisure Centre is owned by Wandsworth Council, who pay £3.7 million a year to Places for People Leisure Management (PPLM) to manage the centre.

Cleaners and UVW members at Latchmere Leisure Centre in Battersea have today received confirmation that from 1 October they will receive a 16% pay rise.

The inflation-busting pay rise is the culmination of a campaign launched by the cleaners, all of whom are Bolivian migrants, for dignity, respect and a voice at work.

The campaign launched in June saw the cleaners successfully win statutory trade union recognition through the Central Arbitration Committee, after their request for voluntary recognition by PPLM was rejected.

The cleaners will continue to negotiate the terms of their recognition agreement with PPLM, which will grant them the right to negotiate on a yearly basis dignified working conditions and pay.

Juan, one of the cleaners and UVW members, said:

“A proper living wage is a right for all, whether you’re a migrant worker or not. If you don’t have a living wage it is your duty to fight for it. The bosses will try to deny you your rights and try to bring you down, but you have to keep going. Unity is strength and anything can be achieved if we are united as workers”

Marco, another cleaner and UVW member, said:

“UVW works for and fights for workers’ rights and I have felt their full support. The fight continues however and I call on all workers; if you have any issues with your employers or any issues at work, join UVW so together we can fight for change.”

Petros Elia, general secretary for UVW, said:

“This win is huge. These brave cleaners have forced PPLM who have been paid £22m over the life of the outsourcing contract to redistribute their wealth with all leisure centre workers up and down the country. This is yet another example of low-paid migrant workers leading the way in their fight back against poverty pay.It is vital that we share the story of these inspiring workers, the cleaners at Latchmere Leisure. If they can do it, then so can you. UVW is here for you.”

For further information contact the UVW comms team.

Jim: 07749 765264
Cristina: 07548 759340

Isabel: 07706 987443


Notes for editors

United Voices of the World is an anti-racist, member-led, direct action, campaigning trade union and we exist to support and empower the most vulnerable groups of precarious, low-paid and predominantly BAME and migrant workers in the UK. We fight the bosses through direct action on the streets and through the courts and demand that all members receive at least the London Living Wage, full pay, sick pay, dignity, equality and respect.


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