08.10.2024 / Press releases / Department for Education
Outsourced facilities workers at the DfE’s Sanctuary Buildings, who are members of UVW union, have declared victory in a lengthy dispute that began in summer 2023 when predominantly migrant women cleaners decided they were sick of being treated like second class workers.
The cleaners took three days of strike action in the summer of 2023 as part of a mass walkout by UVW members across several workplaces demanding dignity, equality and respect. In June 2024, the cleaners were joined by caterers in taking two days of strike action. A planned strike in July 2024, which would have been joined by the reprographic and post room workers, was called off to allow for negotiations with ISS.
Following negotiations, the workers have accepted an offer from ISS which sees them take home a one off bonus equivalent to an eight-month back payment of a pay increase, amounting to over £2,500 in some cases, guaranteed future pay increases, full sick pay and more annual leave.
The Department for Education’s security guards outsourced to G4S have also joined UVW.
Elizete Ferreira, DfE cleaner and UVW member, said:
“Everybody’s happy that we won the backdated payment, a pay rise, sick pay, and more holiday. I’m very, very happy myself because it was a long, hard fight that we, the cleaners, started over a year ago. Thanks to being in the UVW union, more and more workers joined in. It was great that everyone came together, allowing us to be heard and finally put an end to the dispute.”
Gloria Mancera, DfE cleaner and UVW member, said:
“I am very happy that, after our long struggle, we have finally achieved what we deserve: a pay raise with retroactive effect, sick pay and more vacation days. We had to go on strike twice, and we were ready for a third, but now we can celebrate that it won’t be necessary. All of this was made possible because we stood firm and united with our union, UVW, showing our determination to secure better conditions for everyone. Although we haven’t yet achieved full parity with civil servants, the improvements are substantial, and we are on the path to the equality we’ve fought so hard for.”
April Kayes, DfE caterer and UVW member, said:
“I want to express my immense gratitude for the incredible support we received from UVW and the collaboration with ISS, which has led to a well-deserved victory for the facilities staff at Sanctuary Buildings. After years of hard work and dedication, our team has finally achieved backpay, increased annual leave, and sick pay. It’s been a collective effort, with the post room and reprographics team joining the cause, the courageous cleaners who initiated this movement, the backing of UVW, and the support from the NEU and many others that compelled ISS to come to the table and reach this agreement. We also want to extend our thanks to all those who contributed, whether through donations to the strike fund, raising awareness, or showing up in large numbers to offer support, which helped us avoid financial loss during our strike days. UVW has given us a voice and shown us that we don’t have to suffer in silence. Becoming a member of this union has truly transformed our lives, and we urge everyone in the catering industry and beyond to join us now!”
Petros Elia, general secretary for UVW, said:
“The only way we will end the structural inequality created by outsourcing is through strike action. These brave workers have closed the gap between themselves and the civil servants they serve food to and clean up after by standing up for themselves. UVW is proud to represent these workers and to have stood side by side with them on their joyous picket lines. Wealthy multinationals like ISS make billions off the backs of workers like our members and it takes strikes to get them to get them to cough up. Every time DfE workers took strike action their numbers grew and we are organising outsourced workers across government offices now. We will continue to do everything we can to help low-paid, migrant and precarious workers fight the bosses for dignity and respect through direct action on the streets and through the courts.”
For further information contact the UVW comms team:
Jim: 07749 765264
Cristina: 07548 759340
Isabel: 07706 987443
Notes for editors
United Voices of the World is an anti-racist, member-led, direct action, campaigning trade union and we exist to support and empower the most vulnerable groups of precarious, low-paid and predominantly BAME and migrant workers in the UK. We fight the bosses through direct action on the streets and through the courts and demand that all members receive at least the London Living Wage, full pay, sick pay, dignity, equality and respect.
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