
11.02.2021 / Worker's Story /

Sage workers meet with board of trustees

Members at Sage Nursing Home completed their second round of strike action last weekend, from 8pm on Thursday 4 February to 8am Monday 8 February. While there were hopes the dispute could be resolved without further strikes following conversations between the union, the Sage Board of Trustees and ACAS, no offer was put forward and no settlement talks were scheduled.

The strike did, however, kick off with a meeting between UVW members and Stephen Goldberg and Adrian Jacobs, the Chairman and Co-Chairman of the Board of Trustees. UVW members expressed their very serious concerns regarding treatment, pay rates and sick pay provisions.

The trustees said they had heard their employees and would respond in the coming days. Given the lack of settlement offer, the strike went forward, and members are ready to continue taking strike action until victory.

On the day of the board meeting, Bile, one of the strike leaders at Sage said, “We feel good about the steps we are taking towards getting better living wages, better sick pay and a holiday scheme in parity with the NHS. We refuse to believe that the bank of justice is bankrupt. We refuse to believe that there are insufficient funds in the great vaults of opportunities of Sage, of the board. The olive branch has been extended to the Chairman and the Co-Chairman of Sage to make our union recognition happen, to make changes, to restructure Sage management and to make us happy again, to halt discrimination, bullying, fear factor, devaluing us. This is the time for response, action, and we stand firm till it will happen. Dignity, respect and equality.”

Regarding the meeting with Sage trustees, Molly, UVW organiser said,“Our members spoke with honesty, humility, and conviction. The power of their words could not have been scripted for a Hollywood film and their message was delivered loud and clear to the board: key workers deserve dignity and respect reflected in treatment and conditions and they will not stop speaking out until this is granted. We have given Sage the tools to understand the heart of these issues and resolve them. We sincerely hope they will do the right thing.”

You can hear what some Sage members had to say to the Board of Trustees below.

Listen to Beneditta:

Listen to Noemi:

Listen to Adamo:


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