
08.07.2022 / Worker's Story /

Together we can learn and fight to get what we need and deserve

Andrene and Bile are not only fierce UVW members and strike leaders at Sage Nursing home in Golders Green, but they are now certified workplace representatives. 

Their certification follows training in June at UVW casa on how to represent their comrades at disciplinary or grievance hearings, how to challenge and appeal dismissals and how to bring together their colleagues and build workplace demands.

Bile said “Learning and being trained and having the knowledge of our rights at work is unique and today I have earned the privilege, honour and support to serve UVW and be a rep. We are the change we want to see and change is coming.”

Bile and Andrene have hit the road running and have already represented two colleagues.

Bile said “I have served, represented, and supported my colleagues at work with all my strengths and abilities to provide an efficient approach and safe working conditions at Sage Nursing home. I joined UVW and today I am a certified representative of my union because we are all UVW.” 

UVW members are striving to build workers’ power and solidarity links in all workplaces, big or small. Together we can learn, fight and get what we need and deserve.

Get in touch if you want to join the UVW workers’ rep network and represent your colleagues and link up with other workers! 

Send this message UVWREP101 to 07884553443

Or email us at


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